
294 products

    Farpoint is owned by Optical Structures Incorporated, a high-tech manufacturing company that specializes in electro-optical-mechanical engineering and manufacturing. Farpoint provides optical accessories that assist with collimation and focusing, along with a wide assortment of moisture prevention and dust control solutions.
    294 products
    Tri-Bahtinov Mask for Celestron (6795857232025)
    Farpoint Tri-Bahtinov Mask for Celestron 8" SCT
    Dew-Inside-1.jpg (6795810898073)
    Farpoint Dew Shield - Celestron 5/5SE SCT
    Farpoint Bahtinov Mask - Celestron 11 SCT (6795775738009)
    Farpoint Bahtinov Mask - Celestron 8 SCT
    FP443 Square (6795777867929)
    Farpoint 77mm Camera Filter Bahtinov Mask
    Bahtinov Mask - 10.5''  Telescopes (6795775344793)
    Farpoint Bahtinov Mask - 3.5 Inch to 6.5 Inch OTAs
    Farpoint Adjustable Tri-Bahtinov Mask - 2.5 Inch to 4.5 Inch OTAs
    Sold Out
    Farpoint Lifting Straps - Zhumell Z10 (6795750637721)
    Farpoint Lifting Straps - Zhumell Z10 and Apertura
    Product Shot FP261 (6795764990105)
    Farpoint 2 Inch Cheshire Collimator
    Tri-Bahtinov (6795857559705)
    Farpoint Tri-Bahtinov Mask for Celestron 11" SCT
    Sold Out
    Farpoint 1.5 lb Magnetic Bag Weight (6795745165465)
    Farpoint 1.5 lb Magnetic Bag Weight
    Sold Out
    Farpoint Lifting Straps - Zhumell Z10 (6795750670489)
    DSC_1610.jpg (6795750670489)
    Farpoint Lifting Straps - Zhumell Z12 and Apertura
    Tri-Bahtinov Mask for Celestron (6795857985689)
    Farpoint Tri-Bahtinov Mask for Celestron 9.25" SCT
    Product Shot FP217 (6795765153945)
    FP220 Product Shot (6795765153945)
    Farpoint 2 Inch Collimation Kit with Carrying Case
    Square FP439 (6795777474713)
    Farpoint 58mm Camera Filter Bahtinov Mask
    Product Shot FP325 (6795751489689)
    Open FP325 Raw (6795751489689)
    Farpoint 2 Inch Desiccant Cap
    Sale price $57.20 Regular price $65.00 Save $7.80
    Sold Out
    L-Handle with Farpoint Dovetail Accessory Adapter (6795813978265)
    fda grip hand (6795813978265)
    L-Handle with Farpoint Dovetail Accessory Adapter
    Sold Out
    Unm Product Shot Fixed (6795810635929)
    Farpoint Universal Binocular Mount (UBM) (6795810635929)
    Farpoint Universal Binocular Mount (UBM)
    FDA Product Shot (6795755749529)
    FDA with D-handle (6795755749529)
    Farpoint Dovetail Accessory Adapter
    Product Shot FP327 (6795751653529)
    FP325 with bags (6795751653529)
    Farpoint Desiccant Cap Refills - 20 Pack
    Sale price $15.40 Regular price $20.00 Save $4.60
    Dew-Inside-1.jpg (6795745034393)
    Farpoint Dew Shield - Celestron 8 Inch SCT and 8" RASA
    Product Shot FP100 (6795746738329)
    Side Shot FP100 (6795746738329)
    Farpoint Far-Sight Mounting System
    Dew-Inside-1.jpg (6795752079513)
    Farpoint Dew Shield - Celestron 6SE SCT
    Farpoint Notched Dew Shield - 8 Inch SCT (6795752210585)
    Dew-Inside-1.jpg (6795752210585)
    Flexible dew shield for Celestron or Meade 8" SCT, single notch for "V" size dovetail
    Square FP439 (6795777638553)
    Farpoint 67mm Camera Filter Bahtinov Mask
    Farpoint Lifting Straps - Zhumell Z10 (6834769232025)
    Farpoint Lifting Straps - Zhumell Z8 and Apertura
    Product Shot FVM8 (6795759976601)
    Farpoint Vixen Dovetail Plate - Meade 8 Inch SCT (6795759976601)
    Farpoint Vixen Dovetail Plate - Meade 8 Inch SCT
    Square Final (6795764957337)
    Full Kit Shot Fp260 (6795764957337)
    Farpoint 1.25 Inch Cheshire Collimator
    Farpoint Universal Binocular Mount Swing Hinge (6795747295385)
    Swing-Hinge-1.jpg (6795747295385)
    Farpoint Universal Binocular Mount Swing Hinge
    Farpoint Bahtinov Mask - Celestron 11 SCT (6795775639705)
    Farpoint Bahtinov Mask - Celestron 6 SCT
    Square FP439 (6795777736857)
    Farpoint 72mm Camera Filter Bahtinov Mask
    Farpoint Bahtinov Mask - Meade 12 Inch LX850 (6795776131225)
    Farpoint Bahtinov Mask - Celestron 9.25 SCT
    Farpoint Vixen Dovetail Plate - Celestron 8 Inch SCT, New Version (6795807129753)
    Farpoint Vixen Dovetail Plate - Celestron 8 Inch SCT (6795807129753)
    Farpoint Vixen Dovetail Plate - Celestron 8 Inch SCT
    Bahtinov Mask - 10.5''  Telescopes (6795775410329)
    Farpoint Bahtinov Mask - 5.5 Inch to 8.5 Inch OTAs
    Product Shot (6795744477337)
    FP220 Side Shot (6795744477337)
    Farpoint 650nm Laser Collimator - 1.25 Inch / 2 Inch
    Sold Out
    Product Shot FP262 RAW (6795806900377)
    Inside FP262 (6795806900377)
    Farpoint 2 Inch Autocollimator
    HandleD-FDA (6795814731929)
    D-Handle with included Farpoint Dovetail Adapter (6795814731929)
    D-Handle with included Farpoint Dovetail Adapter
    Farpoint 1.25 Inch Collimation Kit (6795765285017)
    Farpoint 1.25 Inch Collimation Kit (6795765285017)
    Farpoint 1.25 Inch Collimation Kit
    Sold Out
    Farpoint Far-Sight Standard Binocular Mounting Screw (6795746869401)
    Farpoint Far-Sight Standard Binocular Mounting Screw
    LCKit_2IN (6795870535833)
    Farpoint Primary Mirror Center Marking Kit